Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Does This NOT Bother Anyone else??

okay, amazing revelation here!
elementary school: We used GIANT paper with a middle dashed line to help trace letters. We wrote about little Sue sharing with little Johnny. Blah blah blah.
middle school: WE used wide lined paper, and all tried to have giant, preppy, bubbly handwriting. (don't deny it) We thought our sentences were awesome, but they really weren't.
high school: Small lines. (finally) We start to conserve paper and our writing no longer sucks. Our handwriting is just whatever, it's no longer that competition it used to be, and the teachers either can read it or not. 
College: ( I'm seriously starting to suspect a lack of lines on paper... What, do they actually expect our work to be straight on paper like that?)
Life: Hence begins the elimination of all paper....
Parenthood(later life): Here dawns the era of obnoxious sticky-noting things. Like, "Honey please remember to take this with you" or, "oh you left this here at home" and best of all," ______ please remember to flush the toilet!" Best of all, they are all singed, Mom.

America: I charge you. DONT BE STICKY- NOTERS!!!!!!

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